Yuvajana Sakhyam

Yuvajana Sakhyam

In 1988, Yuvajanam of Chicago Marthoma Church embarked upon a new journey. The Yuvajanam of our church took initiative not only in prayer and worship but also attempted to broaden the horizons of their Christian spirits; guided by the motto of “Worship, Study, Witness, and Service”.

“Home for Homeless” is our great vision which helped many people in Kerala to fulfill their dreams of having a secure place. With this in mind, Sakhyam conducts the Harvest Festival every year. A few other noble ventures of this organization were in the field of feeding the less privileged, yearly blood drives, house visits, supporting the mission field, and Snehadaravu (Holy Communion for sick and bedridden people). We conduct yearly Cricket Premier League and Bible Quizzes where Church members participate wholeheartedly.

We still illuminate the lights lit by our predecessors from 1988 onwards and the responsibility lies on our shoulders to keep this noble tradition and also pass it on to the coming generation too.

Office bearers
President Rev. Aby M. Thomas Tharakan
Vice President Rev. Biju Y
Vice President Mr. Joji C Abraham
Secretary Mr. Linu M Joseph
Joint Secretary Ms. Ancy Varughese
Midwest Regional Representative
(2023 – 2026)
Mr. Jibin Y George
Treasurer Mr. Rajesh Babu
Committee Members Mr. Ajay Abraham
Mr. Aju Mathew
Mr. Albin George
Ms. Alphy Pothen
Ms. Keziah Byju
Mr. Lijin Varughese
Mr. Niju Pothen
Mr. Jomi Varghese
Mr. Roy Thomas
Mr. Santhosh George
Ms. Sarah Joe
Mr. Steive Thomas
Auditors (Non-Committee Member) Ms. Linsu Abraham & Ms. Sunu Mathew